Pennstate Seed Company
Forty-Fort, PA

Penn State Seed Company was located on Wyoming Avenue in Kingston for many years in a one-story building operating a warehouse and retail store. Mr. James Harkins conceived of expanding the building by adding a second story to the existing building. Michael Weida and Allen Mullins developed a plan from Mr. Harkins concept and program. An interesting two-story space was carved into the existing and new structure. Mr. Harkins had an artist paint clouds on the ceiling and the space is decorated like a street in a small village. The show room space for outdoor furniture is a successful space and clock tower added to the street and commercial neighborhood. C. Allen Mullins was architect of record and the project was planned and built while Mullins and Michael Weida worked together as Architect and Associate.

Pride of Place Award from the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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